Resilience of Restaurant Staff During COVID-19
Fliptable enjoys hearing real-life stories from those in the restaurant industry. Not only are their stories interesting, they are real. No reservations needed to help support restaurants during the coronavirus pandemic. Over the past several months thousands of restaurants across North America have shown significant strength. The support and generosity is evident as restaurants around the U.S. battle the pandemic. Fliptable believes it’s time to shine a light on their strength as it truly show us the resilience of restaurant staff during COVID-19.
Drive and Dedication in the Restaurant Industry
They showcase real drive, as with Head Chef Matthew Spinner at Ushabu a well-known Japanese restaurant in Tremont Clevelan. Spinner is still finding ways to deliver impeccable service to patrons. One way is to sign up for the Fliptable app.
Fox 8 ran this statement from Head Chef Spinner:
“… at some point in our career, every person in the service industry has made a choice to give more to the restaurant industry than the restaurant has given to them.”
Those words could never carry more weight than they do today. We believe it’s our turn to give back to those who have always served us.
That’s why we are sharing the stories of people in the restaurant industry and how they are not only impacted by the coronavirus outbreak but what they are doing to fight back and thrive again.
Passion for Serving Others: A Local Head Chef Shares his Story

Pete McKenney is a lifetime veteran of the restaurant industry. Having worked all across the United States and in Portugal, bringing his special flavor to both Mobile Star and Michelin Star restaurants. He has worked everywhere from rustic taverns in Vermont to a restaurant on Route 66 and the famed corner in Winslow Arizona from the famous Eagles song “Take it Easy”. He also owned his own mobile food truck that served up fresh dishes with locally sourced ingredients.
McKenney has a passion for serving only the freshest meals. Sourcing ingredients from local farms.
“Fresh food just tastes better. It makes a really big difference in the flavor, and I want my guests to have the best.”
The industry has been his passion for his entire life. For one role, he was sent to Portugal to absorb the influences of their cuisine, and even worked on Route 66. Even through this challenging time he keeps a positive attitude and keeps on cooking and perfecting his craft.
Now, and faced with serious challenges. McKenney worries that the smaller independently owned restaurants and hotels are the ones that will suffer the most. However, he has seen the industry bounce back in a positive way even with the current policies in place. The resilience of restaurant staff during COVID-19 is seen today all throughout the U.S.
Sure, the larger chains have plenty of money to stay open, but the independents might not have enough capital to last that long.” Closing down a small hotel and restaurant for three months will force them out of business for good. If that happens, then we will lose the character and flavor these small, family-run establishments provide. They are the ones that serve authentic farm-to-table meals.
Quality and Unique Flavor Will Rise Above the Pandemic
“We will spend a few dollars more on local food,” McKenney says. “Our customers know that and that is why they come to our restaurant.”
Customers are happy to pay a little more for higher quality meals that just taste fresher and are better for them. But that extra bit of overhead is weighing heavily on these boutique restaurants.
With higher food costs and smaller margins, and rent payments due, it is those smaller restaurants, the ones that truly add unique flavors to our lives, that may be closing their doors for good. Fliptable is here to help.
McKenney stopped by his current place of employment before it was shut down. Those farm-fresh ingredients were left in the walk-in and being passed out to some of the employees. He took some home and made a fresh dinner for friends, not wanting to waste the fine meat and vegetables.
Giving food to those who need it to eliminate waste is one of the many silver-linings to this epidemic. A lot can be said about the fact that this whole crisis is bringing people closer together and testing their reserve to survive.

Mobile Apps like Fliptable will breathe relief into the restaurants who are struggling to manage their margins, let alone hiring efforts. Now is the time to invest in technology that solves the time-consuming aspects of hiring and job seeking in the restaurant industry.
“Together, we can make it through this,” McKenney states. “There’s always a positive to look to.”
It’s been a long time coming, but we are still in this together.