How to Find a Job in the Restaurant Industry
Finding a job anywhere can be frustrating. Luckily, with the help of AI and new-age innovative mobile technology, the search can be rewarding and fun. Current job boards may be effective, but none of them provide you with an easy and humanistic experience. Every job you’ve likely applied to has either ghosted you or sent you that dreaded default email message thanking you for your time. Fliptable is different. We know the restaurant industry is close, large, and involved, so we created an app that mirrored those characteristics. Read on to unveil a few things you should consider when learning how to find a job in the restaurant industry.
Restaurant Statistics in 2021
The restaurant space is full of vibrant individuals from all walks of life. There are many incredibly talented people in this industry, so when you are looking to become a restaurateur, keep a few things in mind.
- 59% of restaurateurs say hiring, training, and retaining staff is the biggest challenge they face
- 60% of Americans have work experience in the restaurant industry
- 95% of restaurants say using technology improves their overall efficiency of their establishments
- There are more than one million restaurants in the U.S. (so, you can have your pick)
The wonderful thing about the restaurant industry is that because it’s so large, there are always opportunities. It comes down to knowing what you want to focus on and having the confidence to do it. Whether you’re looking to be a bartender or a smiling hostess, there is an opportunity out there for you.
Know What Restaurant Position You Want
Do you want to run an eatery or be a cook? Do you want to greet guests or fancy prep dishes? Perhaps you want to do both! 80% of restaurant managers started in entry-level positions. The best way to lean into a role is first to take a little time and do your research. If it’s a position you have no experience in, what aspects of the job responsibilities do you see yourself excelling in? If you’re a veteran in the industry, focus on refining your expertise. Last but not least, have patience.
Moreover, no matter the position you are seeking, the restaurant space has opportunities for you to grow and learn. Those in this space work incredibly hard and have an enormous amount of patience. These qualities shape a solid individual for the better. Not to mention, the community is supportive. Show up to work, do your job, help out, and smile; the easy recipe for success.
Word of Mouth
It may seem counterintuitive to say word-of-mouth is extremely useful when I work for a mobile app company. I always encourage those looking for opportunities to tap into their current network first. That’s just a rule of thumb. You never know who might have an “in” somewhere. Start a conversation with a friend-of-a-friend. Have a warm cup of coffee with the business owner. If you want to know how to find a job in the restaurant industry, don’t be afraid to ask around. Perhaps someone may know of an open opportunity, or even better, download the Fliptable App. We recently created custom QR codes for restaurants. To make it even easier for job seekers to apply to your open positions.
Fliptable Mobile App Serves Restaurant Job Seekers and Job Posters
Restaurant Job Seekers

However, when your network is small and you’re not an extrovert, contactless mobile innovation is vital. Okay, so here’s where I pitch Fliptable. The Fliptable App is truly your zero-risk guarantee to find a restaurant position you love. Not just any position, a position that speaks to your unique talents and skillset. As a job seeker, you fill out a profile showcasing your experience and, in seconds, begin super-swiping left or right to find your perfect job. You won’t see open waitress positions if you are interested in a bartender gig. You won’t get recommendations to drive an 18-wheeler if your profile says you want to be a line cook. You see what you want. You will save so much time.
The easy-to-use swipe features make setting up a profile seem like gravy. So quick and so smooth, it would make anything else seem like that stuff from a box. Download the app today in the Apple Store and Google Play.
Restaurant Job Poster or Hiring Manager
Furthermore, as a job poster and hiring manager, you get the whole picture in just a few easy swipes. You can easily navigate your dashboard to view your matches, candidates you currently have shown interest in, and those you want to interview. Additionally, you have complete control over what you want to do next in the process. You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on job listings or place your trust in a corporate talent search company that sees very little if any value in the people you need to get in the door. The ease of the app saves you time and money. No more headaches or risking your profit while running monthly ads that you end up forgetting about until years-end after thousands of dollars have already seeped through the cracks.
Look Towards the Future
Lastly, trust that you are making the right decision to be proactive in your job search. Also, lean into technology built to help you show off your best self. You deserve a more straightforward and enjoyable job-search experience. Fliptable is on a mission to make that happen. Learning how to find a job in the restaurant industry doesn’t need to be daunting. Instead, it can be rewarding and fun. Download the Fliptable App today and see for yourself.
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